Bracket closes after main in this when it is supposed to be before (line 15)
Dont need /main (line 15)
Line 24 and 26 use [ ] instead of { }
Line 34 labeled as 4? Just remove the number
Line 51 needs code to add comment and not disturb code
Line 1 the UTF is capitalized need to be utf-8
Line 35, :hover, should be after #menuicon
Line 16 has .aside this should be without a period
Line 19 diamonds is not being displayed
Line 66, .header nav should not have a period
Line 1 the UTF is capitalized needs to be utf-8
Line 5: Main should not be closed in brackets
Lines 10-13: no units on the margins and padding?
Line 15: Main does not need to be there at all just a closing bracket }
Line 19 diamonds is not being displayed
Line 20: Display: diamonds is not a proper display function.
Line 25-27: body does not have the correct brackets {}
Line 29: Does not need the # in front of the menu-icon
Line 29: the menu-icon display is hidden
Line 33 should be spelled background-color, not colour
Line 35: random number 4 is not necessary
Line 35, :hover, should be after #menuicon
Line 38 shouldn't be #444 but a hex code like #FFFFFF
Line 46 shouldn’t be capitalized
Line 54 down: the link CSS is not in the right order: should be a:, a:visited, a:hover, and a:active
Lines 25 and 63: The body background color is repeated
Line 67: header nav does not need to have a period in front of it
Font- weight shouldn’t be bold on line 71
Line 51: !-- active applies to when the link is clicked → To /*!-- active applies to when the link is clicked --*/